What happened in the year 2019

Fabergé Museum in Saint Petersburg

A lot of things happened!
I'm recalling Faberge museum. I happened to come to Faberge museum on the birthday of Karl Faberge and came on Mr. Faberge! How it comes if Mr. Faberge lived one hundred years ago! A lot of things are possible in Faberge museum! By the way Mr. Faberge told me some secrets and a lot of interesting stories! Now I’m eager to tell you the stories! Also, there was a quiz connected with the museum and jewelries, and I become the winner and got a prize.

Fabergé Museum in Saint Petersburg
Fabergé Museum in Saint Petersburg - Fabergé Museum in Saint Petersburg
Fabergé Museum in Saint Petersburg - Fabergé Museum in Saint Petersburg
By the way the building doesn’t have any connection to Faberge company – it was just the building which the state let rent for the museum. But it has much higher and exciting connection. In the beginning of the 20th century it belonged to Narishkin family and the wife was the favorite and lover of our emperor Alexander the 1st (who was the winner over Napoleon). It seems that everybody knows the husband and the relatives, just the eldest daughter was considered to be the daughter of Count Narishkin, the husband considered the other 5 kids as sons and daughters of the Emperor, including the heir Emanuel. Faberge is one of the most popular museums. The main items there are 13 Easter eggs maid by Faberge company, 9 of them belonged to Romanovs. It is especially interesting that here in the museum is the very first and the last eggs made for Romanov family.

Karl Faberge was a jewelry maker, who were not making the things by himself, he had his father’s company and people working for him he was really a genius and a perfect businessman. He knew how to organize people – designers, jewelry makers, how to advertise. The most famous his production is Jewelry Easter eggs for the mother and for the wife of our last Emperor Nicolas the Second.

Amber Room
Amber Room - Amber Room
Amber Room - Amber Room

They let us take photos in The Amber room of Catherine Palace in Pushkin town. I took selfie! Before it was strictly prohibited. They were afraid that accident flash or anti red eye, or autofocusing light might damage the Amber. It is really so fragile. There was an old amber box standing its back to the window in the palace for quite a long time – it finished so that the back side of the box didn’t look so fresh and polished it was like sunlight was gradually damaging it.

Chinese palace in Oranienbaum town
Chinese palace in Oranienbaum town - Chinese palace in Oranienbaum town
Chinese palace in Oranienbaum town - Chinese palace in Oranienbaum town
Peterhof museum finished restauration of Chinese palace in Oranienbaum town. This is the only rococo style palace in Russia! It was made for Catherine the great and especially famous with its beautiful Spangle-work cabinet. I am especially proud because my guest and me were one of the first to enter this museum. You should be careful – if you want to go to this museum – it is not open in winter and if it rains in summer. The only possibility to have guarantee that you will get inside is to have prepaid ticket with a guide. For sure I just want to hint that you can go there with me and it will be a guarantee that you will get inside notwithstanding the weather. By the way it is better not to risk. According to statistics we have just 40 sunny days per year. It might rain anytime.